Gluten Free Tips & Tricks

(21 Reviews)
100% Recommended

Sabrina Steinhauer

Eau Claire, WI
Certified Travel Specialist

With a depth of experience as a travel agent, I've cultivated a deep passion for exploration and adventure. Travel isn't just a job for me; it's a way of life. From the vibrant streets of Mexico to the serene beaches of St. Lucia, I've been fortun...

Creme Brulee - St. Lucia

      Traveling with a food allergy can be daunting, even nerve-wracking, sometimes making you hesitant to explore new destinations. But armed with the right strategies and knowledge, you can confidently traverse the globe and enjoy amazing experiences without worry. Here are my top tips and tricks for successfully navigating travels with a food allergy.

      First up, let's talk about research. This is my golden rule because it sets the foundation for a worry-free trip. Before jetting off to a new destination, I always do my own homework. I scout out what kind of cuisine is readily available and naturally free from my allergens. It's essential to understand that while many places in the US offer allergen-free alternatives, this isn't always the case globally. So, I dig into menus online, make calls to establishments, and ensure I have a good grasp of what's offered. This proactive approach will help you feel confident and prepared wherever you go if you take the time to conduct your own research.

      Next, I never leave home without a stash of my favorite gluten-free snacks. These little lifesavers come in handy, especially when I'm exploring places with limited food options or going on tours where lunch might be a mystery. Having my own snacks ensures I always have something safe to munch on.

      Don't underestimate the power of asking! It's surprising how many hidden gems you can uncover just by speaking up. Whether it's in a restaurant or on an excursion, don't hesitate to inquire about allergen-friendly options. You might be pleasantly surprised, like I was on a trip to Mexico when I found a special gluten-free snack bag waiting for me, complete with rice cakes and fruit. It's the little gestures like these that make all the difference.

So pack your snacks, speak up for yourself, and get ready to explore the world with confidence!

Safe travels, fellow adventurers!

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